Singleton Pattern in Python

Sometimes, you find that you only want one instance of a class to be created. Ever. This way of programming is often referred to as the singleton pattern.

In languages like Java, the singleton pattern is often implemented by using a class static variable as the single object:

In the snippet above, the default constructor is set as private so to prevent the user from instantiating a OneOnly object. Instead, the user must use OneOnly.get() to get access to the one and only OneOnly instance.

This way of executing the singleton pattern is impossible in Python due to the fact that Python does not have an equivalent to Java’s final keyword.

A well-defined singleton pattern, however, is possible in Python. The Wikipedia entry on the singleton pattern [1] presents a clever way of doing it in Python. I reproduced Wikipedia’s Python example below and added some more code to explain what’s going on under the hood.

In the snippet above, singleton() is a function that takes a class and returns a function. I created a simple Counter class. Line 15 shows that Counter is a class. I then set Counter to the return value of singleton(Counter). Counter is now a function, as line 17 shows. This is awesome. Now, whenever the user tries to “instantiate” a Counter, the user is really just calling a function, namely getinstance(). And getinstance() is built so that it will only build one instance of Counter, on line 5. If an instance of Counter already exists, getinstance() will simply return that instance.

The Power of Closures

But why does getinstance() work? The most amazing part is that the getinstance() that is set to Counter is a specific getinstance() that “closes over” the variables cls and instances. That is, when we define getinstance() inside of singleton(), getinstance() still has access to cls and instances, even after we exit singleton(). Thus, we don’t have to create a new instances dictionary every time. This only happens once, at line 2. We get to line 2 through the call at line 16, which only happens once (for Counter).

Why does instances have to be a dictionary? Well, it doesn’t. The only thing that matters is that we don’t set the instances reference to a new object somewhere inside getinstance(). If we do, we lose the closure over the instances defined on line 2. Thus, instances should be a mutable object such as a dictionary or a list.

Let us test our singleton object:

As you can see, every call to Counter() returns the same Counter instance. Great! We now have a very powerful construct to build classes that adhere to the singleton pattern. If we want to create another one-instance-only class named Puppeteer, we simply set Puppeteer = singleton(Puppeteer) after the class definition. Puppeteer will then get its own getinstance() function and its own instances dictionary, separate from Counter’s.


Python has something called decorators. A decorator is just syntactic sugar [2] for what we did when we wrote Counter = singleton(Counter), which can look a bit ugly. We can prettify this by adding a @singleton before our Counter class definition:

If you haven’t seen decorators before, you should now realize that a decorator @singleton will simply set the class name (in our case, Counter) to the value returned by singleton(Counter).


So yes, Python’s open nature is sometimes unwanted. But with closures (e.g. getinstance() closing over cls and instances) and first-class functions and classes (i.e. passing around classes and functions as ordinary objects), Python allows us to device beautiful, clever constructs.



[2] Python Decorators Don’t Have to be (that) Scary.

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4492 views and 3 responses

Apr 16 2010, 10:53 PM

Paddy3118 responded:

The pythonic way of solving the problem that the singleton addresses in other languages is to use the Borg pattern:…

Apr 17 2010, 1:57 PM

Elben Shira responded:

Paddy, great advice. Sometimes, though, I think we want to make sure that Counter() is Counter() (the Borg pattern article has comments that addresses this). Is there a reason as to why enforcing the singleton pattern is unpythonic?

Apr 18 2010, 6:58 AM

Paddy3118 responded:

The argument is that what most people want is the effect, and that the Borg pattern works in most situations and is much easier to code and understand, hence more “Pythonic”.